霧都迷案 小巷中的開膛手傑克 Mystery In London On The Trail Of Jack The Ripper 英文正式版(Adventure 冒險解謎遊戲軟體)
1. Install game
As a collector of old books and curiosities, a leisurely trip to London has
taken a spine-tingling twist. Inside a copy of the novel Dr. Jekyll & Mr.
Hyde, you've found a cryptic note signed JR. Suddenly you're on the trail
of Jack the Ripper, one of history's most notorious killers. His identity
has eluded sleuths and scholars for over a century. But, watch out! There
are those who will stop at nothing to prevent you from discovering Jack the
Ripper's true identity...
福爾摩斯VS開膛手傑克 Sherlock Holmes vs Jack The Ripper 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD9版)
南茜朱爾之旋風追蹤 Nancy Drew Trail Of The Twister 英文正式版(2CD)
神秘的瑪麗西萊斯特號 The Mystery Of The Mary Celeste 英文正式版(AVG 冒險遊戲軟體)
鬼船之謎 The Mystery Of The Mary Celeste 英文正式版
神秘紀事 魔蠍典禮 Chronicles Of Mystery The Scorpio Ritual 英文正式版(DVD版)
神秘追蹤者 虛空 Mystery Trackers The Void CE 英文正式版(AVG冒險遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
貝琪羅根 神秘莊園 The Mystery Of Meane Manor 英文正式版(PUZ 益智類遊戲軟體)